
Our Story

Cashflow was born out of necessity. As a husband and father, I found it time-consuming to keep tabs on our spending habits. I wanted something simple that required the least amount of time on my part and gave me the most relevant information at a glance. I also wanted something that my wife and I could share that would help us stay on the same page. For a while we used the green herb app, but it required quite a bit of "managing" the tool in order to keep things organized and accurate. Plus, it had become quite gamified and bloated beyond it's original design. I wondered if I could distill the the things I liked and remove the bloat. Could I end up with an extremeley practical tool that did the job every day? I think so, but you'll have to be the judge for yourself.

Thanks for giving us a chance to help you manage your money.

Our Vision

In a world where big tech has soured people's view of software companies, we are interested in the non profit model where an organization seeks to create value, vigorously safeguard customer data (no data mining here) and remain in existence for decades, rather than a couple years before being bought and ruined. Cashflow is all about money, but not about making it. We want to help you manage your money for almost no money and be here 20 years from now. If this sounds exciting, consider trying out Cashflow or give us a like on your social media of choice.

Does this mean Cashflow will become a 501c4?

We have every intention of incorporating Cashflow into a 501c4 organization once we have established a userbase that can support a small team and have found the right board members to steer Cashflow's future.